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Dr Franck Houndjahoue (Benin)

Ghislain Franck Houndjahoue, is a pediatrician with expertise in nutrition. He is the chair of the Research subcommittee of A.N.A. The main role of this committee is to initiate and encourage research on newborn health in Africa. In 2023, the committee (thanks to the expertise of the editorial board) launched the first issue of the Journal of African Neonatology. The research committee plans to reactivate the working groups this year.
Franck works in developing countries (mostly in CAR) with “Cuamm Doctors with Africa”, an international NGO. He is married, reads spiritual books and watches films about famous people in his spare time.

- Providing the evidence base required to best care for African newborns
- Prioritising and communicating the evidence gaps
- Co-ordinating amongst researchers working with African newborns
- Increasing African representation in the global neonatal research community